Varese Women’s Basketball, here is the pre-season calendar

Season at the start also for Women’s Serie B of basketball which will see our representatives from Varese and Busto Arsizio at the starting line with the red and white who, after the summer restyling, still present themselves with top ambitions to aim for a high-level B and see if it is possible to raise the bar of ambitions beyond the fourth place of the season that has just gone into the archive.

The pre-season calendar of the girls of coach Luca Cappelli who will take the field for the first time on Saturday 10 September at home at 7:30 pm against the Ligurians of Pegli. Home commitment for Elena Mistò and her companions who, let’s remember, will play the home games in Azzate at the gym in via Colli. It repeats the day after against the Swiss team of Riva San Vitale of the former coach Piccinelli always at home, but at 19. Finally, thethe last appointment of the pre-season will be a tournament in Pegli on the weekend of 17 and 18 September with the classic form of the semifinals the day before and finals the following day with times and opponents still to be defined.

In essence, the red and white will do the favor to the Genoese team in a sort of double, albeit friendly, confrontation. This will be the last match of the Varese team since the next week the championship will start with the immediate derby with Busto Arsizio.

Matteo Gallo


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