Weather in Highlander Baseball Field ⛅ (Texas), United States – Weather Forecast

The day of 22 Aug will be with comfortable temperatures, and slightly unstable weather, with the possibility of the appearance of storms.
There are 97% chance of heavy rains accompanied by rain showers.
The sky will be entirely covered:

83% high-altitude clouds (over 6,000 meters: Cirrus, Cirrus uncinus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus)

62% average altitude clouds (between 2,000 and 6,000 meters: Altostratus, Altocumulus)

67% low altitude clouds (less than 2,000 meters: Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus, Fractostratus)

33% convective clouds (Cumulonimbus)

The maximum temperature will be 26 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature will be 23 degrees Celsius. The wind will blow light breeze, fog will form, and atmospheric pressure will average 1013 mb. Relative humidity will be very high.


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