where to take a girl on a first date? — YubiGeek

We have been told since childhood that sport is very important for physical health. But only a few people know that sports activities also bring enormous benefits for psycho-emotional health. In some cases, they can even help you find love. How ? We will tell you now!

During the day, our body produces a large amount of adrenaline, which must be burned somehow. Otherwise, emotional and physical stress accumulates, which can lead to psychosomatic illnesses. Sport is a great way to release this tension, shed negative energy and get rid of bad thoughts. During sport, the body produces a lot of endorphins, which cause a feeling of euphoria and lightness. You start to think positively, your perception of the world and the people around you becomes more positive and optimistic, this is already an important step towards promising new knowledge. We are going to talk about these promising encounters below!

To start, try to find at least one sport where there is no interaction between people — players, with referees or the public. Difficult, right? Even if we are talking about a regular run around the park or a 5-10 km bike ride, you can interact with other people. Someone can keep you company while you run, and someone will gladly accompany you on a short bike ride.

Sport is communication. Communication is new acquaintances, and new acquaintances are a great opportunity to find a soul mate. And not just anyone, but a person who also loves sports, who takes care of his health and himself.

Sport combines wonderfully well with a date

Tell us, what associations do you have with the word “date” or “date”? Most likely a table in a restaurant. Or maybe a picnic in a park. Or even a trip to the cinema as a last resort.

But why not diversify the appointments with something more exciting and catchy? For example, hiking together in the mountains, kayaking on the river, surfing, playing tennis or even skydiving together. There are so many options. Choose one and take action! And believe us, most of these options will leave far more vivid impressions than sitting in the nearest cafe or restaurant.

However, another question arises. How to find a person who loves sports and will be interested in such a hobby? The most obvious answer is to look for like-minded people in sports clubs and sections. But this is not always possible. Not all sports are equally popular, and in smaller towns and villages there may not even be a sports club at all. How to proceed in such a case?

Despite the fact that sports somehow contribute to socializing, meeting people offline is still uncomfortable for many people. Fortunately, this is not necessary. You and I have access to some great dating sites and apps aimed specifically at sports and outdoor enthusiasts. Let’s look at a few.

  • Fitafy — a dating app for fitness enthusiasts. Here you can create your detailed fitness profile: name, age, location, sports interests, eating habits, etc. Of course, you can add photos and more. There you can meet and communicate with like-minded people, agree on joint training and appointments. In Fitafy you can organize real competitions with other participants and reach new heights in your favorite sport.
  • Teamupfitness — very similar to the previous app, but it also has some cool features. First is the Let’s Connect function, which allows you to view the profiles of other members who are most likely to meet you. Teamupfitness also invites you to answer various questions to refine your search. The algorithm thus learns and improves to find the best matches for you.
  • Fanswipe — an app with a slightly different approach to dating. It is intended for fans of sports teams in various disciplines. You choose the disciplines and teams you support, then you can find other fans there, communicate with them, go to sports matches and other events together. Pretty interesting dating format, isn’t it?

The only serious downside to niche sports dating sites and apps is their small number and relatively low membership. There are far fewer users here than on, for example, Tinder, OkCupid or Bumble.

If it is important for you to have maximum freedom of choice and to make even more new acquaintances, we can offer you a great alternative — chat roulette.

Chatroulette is a website or app whose main function is to match you with random people via video. There are roulette chats that are entirely based on chance, and it is more difficult to find a soul mate there. But there are others where you can specify a list of your interests, so that the algorithm more accurately selects users to communicate with. For example, in Tinychat, you can watch other users’ broadcasts (including sports ones) or start your own stream and gather viewers. Of course, you can get to know them better and have a great time chatting. Another interesting option is the russian chatroulette CooMeet. Here you have a working gender filter and lots of handy search parameters at your disposal. Additionally, CooMeet has a built-in message translator. Thanks to it, you will be able to communicate comfortably with foreigners and not use a third-party translator. It’s very practical!

Overall, it doesn’t matter which platform you use. You can find like-minded people who will interest you almost anywhere. The main thing is to act. After all, here as in sports, the more you work, the better results you will get. And, as we said before, athletes are very determined people. They always achieve their goals, even when the task seems very difficult. We are sure you will succeed too! Sport and taking care of your health unites people all over the world!

Sport is much more than taking care of your health. It is also a powerful community, interesting like-minded people, new acquaintances, trips to other cities and countries. Sport also teaches us to set clear goals and achieve them. Thus, an athletic person becomes more determined, his thoughts are more orderly and his actions have meaning.

You can never predict exactly where you will find love. Maybe it will happen in the park near the house where you go for a run every day. Maybe in the gym you go to three times a week. Or maybe at a club of archery enthusiasts, where you came with a friend for company and where you accidentally met your future soul mate. Don’t forget online dating services either. Dating apps and roulette chats are great places to find like-minded people.


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