Wijnaldum tile, fracture of the right tibia

The Giallorossi midfielder was injured in the last training session. Further checks in the coming days, long stop

Bad news for the Roma and for Jose Mourinho on the eve of the debut at the Olimpico in the league against Cremonese (race scheduled for tomorrow at 18.30): “Following a trauma suffered during today’s training session, Wijnaldum in the evening he underwent clinical tests that highlighted the fracture of the right tibia – reads the press release from the Giallorossi club – The player will be subjected to further checks in the coming days. “” FORZA GINI! “, Roma’s words of encouragement to the his midfielder.

Wijnaldum arrived at Roma in this transfer market session on loan with the right of redemption set at 8 million by the PSG. On his league debut in Salerno, the Dutchman entered the field in the 34th minute of the second half in place of Zaniolo. Mourinho will have to do without him for a long time. Society,
footballer and entourage are evaluating what might be the best solution between conservative therapy and surgery.


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