In Orvieto Judo School Day. Honorary black belt to the mayor Tardani and the legendary “Django” Franco Nero

On the initiative of the Amateur Sports Association Judo Yawara Orvieto – KumiaiFriday 30 September from 9 am, at the PalaPapini in Orvietothe event will be held Judo School Day”. Judo School Day, event sponsored by the municipality of Orvieto / departments of Sport and Youth and School Policies, by Coni, by Fijlam – Italian Federation of Judo Fight Karate Martial Arts, by the Umbria Regional Committee Fijlkam, Csen, by the Red Cross and Civil Protection of Orvieto, will be a day of sport dedicated to children and young people of the schools of order and grade who will try to get on the “tatami”Together with some judoka boys and technicians of the Judo discipline to know it as an activity aimed at everyone: children, teenagers, women, adults of all ages.

For the occasion, at 11, Maestro Franco Penna will deliver the honorary black belt Csen to the mayor of Orvieto, Roberta Tardani ed al mythical “Django” Franco Nerofounding partner of Judo Yawara Kumiai.

“At PalaPapini in Orvieto – explain the organizers whose mission is to make Judo known and transmitted – children and young people will have the opportunity to begin to know and appreciate an Olympic discipline, an educational method, a healthy sport that has the task to train physique, spirit, self-control, self-esteem, altruism, empathy. Aspects and values ​​that in a historical moment like the one we are experiencing, or rather in an era in which the pandemic and now the energy and economic crisis and then the increasingly threatening ongoing war have forced us and force us to see the world from television and social networks. Our children – continue the promoters of the event – have suffered greatly from forced exile away from reality, living situations that have left in them perhaps indelible marks in the spirit and mind, causing rebellion, anger, bullying and increasing the phenomenon of cyber bullying”.

“That of Orvieto – they continue – will not only be a demonstration of Judo, but also the anticipation of issues against bullying and violence against women unfortunately too often told in the news, thanks to the contributions of: M ° Renato Vinassa, Sports Director of the Kumiai Italia Group – formerly Italian Judo technician of the Blue Flames, Instructor III level Mga Global Method of Self-defense; Massimiliano Pasca Technical Director of Judo Yawara Kumiai of Orvieto and Head Coach of the Italian National Cadets (boys 15-17 years); M ° Gianfranco Greco President and Judo Technician Yawara Kumiai and M ° Franco Penna National Manager of Csen Judo sector ».

There will be greetings messages, through video contributions, from the President of Coni, Giovanni Malagò and the Vice President of Fojlkam – Italian Federation of Judo Fight Karate and Martial Arts, Colonel of the Carabinieri, Giuseppe Matera.

The event will be attended, among others, by the Councilor for Sport, Carlo Moscatelli, the Councilor for Youth and School Policies, Alda Coppola, the Heads of Orvieto schools and representatives of: Coni, Fijlkam, Fijlkam Regional Committee, Csen, Red Cross and Civil Protection.

Judo has been missing from Orvieto for about 30 years now – explain the organizers – and the” Judo School Day “wants to be the hope that this discipline will once again become a point of reference for young people in local civil society and for all those who want to develop the qualities that it can teach by contributing to sensitize the younger generations to good behavior, to stay away from bullying and prevarications and provocations, to avoid it, dedicating themselves above all to healthy principles such as family, school and sport to become better people .

No less important and decisive for the achievement of these objectives are the local institutions, the municipality or other bodies, which the organizers of the event intend to raise awareness so that they do their best to find suitable sports venues for amateur associations that practice Judo, since in the in the provincial territory there is a notable lack of sports facilities ».

“The great champions are born and depart from the Amateur Sports Associations – explain the organizers of the” Judo School Day “- who will not miss the animated mask of the Kuma bear mascot of Judo Yawara Kumiai who with his follies will make raids on the” tatami ” to entertain the children ».


A discipline, Judo, born as an educational method, whose founder Prof. Jigoro Kano, formerly a pedagogue and dean of various educational institutions in Japan and consultant for the Ministry of Education since 1882, has popularized it until it was established as a national sport and culture method to train body and spirit in all schools of order and grade with the aim of contributing to making society better, so much so that it is recognized by the IOC as the best educational method in the world – Recognized as a World Heritage Site by Unesco.


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