Naples, Patric: “We have had many episodes against. Romagnoli …”

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At the end of the match Lazio – Naples intervened Patric to comment on the defeat. These are the words of him to the microphones of Lazio Style Channel: “Regret? A lot, we came from a bitter draw, the team played a good game and it’s a good start to the season. There is bitterness because in the second half we lowered ourselves and lost energy. We had a few episodes against, you don’t just need to play well to win. I was alone, too bad that the ball didn’t arrive, Pedro tried but we didn’t finish. This is the eighth year that I have been here and I try to help and grow more. I am pleased to be here and I want to bring Lazio to the top. Feeling with Romagnoli? We have a lot of it, Alessio is an exceptional guy, he has a great desire to work and great humility. As a footballer I feel very good in the movements and we are very similar so we are able to do same pace the same things, we are finding each other very well. We hope to continue like this. Provedel? He gives us security, he is doing a great championship, too bad for today we were so keen on this victory. With Napoli there is great regret, we were in cam bit very well in the first half. If you close in a positive way it makes you move forward in a different way. The episodes are fundamental, it’s okay to win even if you play badly sometimes. We like to keep the ball but we also have to win in a dirty way. Episodes make a difference. If you don’t whistle Lazzari’s penalty, at least let me see things and then let’s do the math. “


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