Peter Burling wants to achieve his third consecutive victory in Saint Tropez


Updated at 6:47 p.m.

Delapierre and his teammates celebrate their event at home this weekend, competing in Saint-Tropez in the fifth round of the third season, a season in which France has shown significant improvement and even achieved a second place in the round. earlier, in Copenhagen. Passing the test and taking victory in Saint-Tropez would be the perfect way for the French team to score their home race, although Delapierre is under no illusions that it will be an easy task.

Peter Burling and his crew have turned the corner on the F50 for the last two months, and he is convinced the Kiwis can get better and better, although this time it is very difficult to get three wins in a row. “I am very proud of how we have been building the team” Burling began. “Our goal has always been to get better and keep getting better, and I think we’re still far from what we can achieve, which is the most exciting thing.”

The regattas will take place in Saint-Tropez between 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

The Spanish SailGP team returns to Saint-Tropez, almost a year later to compete in the fifth round of the championship. The French waters bring good memories to the Spaniards, who left France last season with a creditable third place in their pockets. For now, the Spanish team must try to leave that last position it occupies in the classification.

This test will be the prelude to the great Spanish event that will be held on the Cadiz coast for the second consecutive year, on September 24 and 25, and which will serve to close the SailGP passage through Europe this season before debuting in Dubai in November.

Saint-Tropez represents the return of Paula Barceló to this competition, since in the previous Grand Prix she could not accompany her teammates in the F50 because she was already in Canada and her place as strategist for the Spanish team was taken by Nicole van der Velden.

Jordi Xammar, skipper of the team, was confident and confident that his team can take a step forward in the French test: “We are very excited, the goal is to be able to apply what we learned in the first events. And we are going to give 100% so that Saint-Tropez can be a turning point in the season” .



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