The general assembly of the Judo-club took place on Friday, in the presence of Marc Boutruche, mayor, and Anthony Follo, sports and leisure assistant, who came to congratulate the two teachers for having brought home the gold medal from the last world championship in Poland. Quéven is very proud of you. We’ll be sure to celebrate that.”
rejoices Marc Boutruche.
The municipality provided assistance through an exceptional grant of €250 each. The aedile took the opportunity to clarify: There are too great disparities between the associations, particularly in terms of travel, results and coaches. The municipality is planning a meeting with the associations to think about a possible modification of the subsidy grid.
The club’s projects concern the maintenance of the toranos, judo activities at the ALSH (Leisure reception without accommodation), internships during the February and April holidays and the resumption of the minimal championship stopped due to covid.
Nearly 170 participants and 73 clubs come to Quéven,”
says Erwan Tisserand.
On the financial side, the purchase of a vehicle is envisaged in view of the travel costs (€8,500) generated by participation in the various championships and tournaments.
The office was re-elected.