Race 4, Parmaclima-San Marino 2-1. Series on 2-2 • newsrimini.it

Il Parmaclimate makes his car 4 with a valid last assault by Alberto Mineo and brings the series back on par. Great balance in the Tuesday evening of the “Cavalli”, with the two teams to exchange a point in the fourth assault and then to witness the appearance of the rain, which in the fifth inning made its appearance and in the sixth it forced the
referees to suspend the match twice. Finally, the 7th inning, with San Marino that does not take advantage of Batista’s initial validity and instead Parma scores the 2-1. Vincente Diaz, loser Centeno. Series on 2-2. In the evening of Wednesday, again at 8.30 pm at the “Cavalli” in Parma, gara5 (Italian training pitchers). Become certain, at this point, gara6 from Saturday in Serravalle.

THE CHRONICLE. The starters, Quevedo and Montilla, leave the attacks to zero for three rounds. San Marino goes to base thanks to two errors: on Lino on 2nd and on Ferrini on 3rd. Parma touches two hits (Gonzalez in 1st and Astorri in 2nd) and earns a base ball (Battioni in 3rd), but remains 0-0.

At 4th, however, the score is unlocked. For Angulo there is the base ball, Lino hits a good hit on the right that creates a situation of men in the corners and Ustariz beats a bouncy towards the second that brings in the 1-0. Parmaclima equalized at the change of field with the hits of Mineo and Astorri, 1-1. After the elimination of Rodriguez it is the turn of the change on the mountain, with Centeno for Quevedo (the inning ends with Battioni eliminated at the pot).

At 5 ° it begins to rain persistently but you can still play. On the 6th, however, after the San Marino attack, the interruption is inevitable. After twenty minutes, he recovers, but only for the time necessary to complete two outs (Koutsoyanopulos and Astorri eliminated at the pot) and see Parma go to base with Rodriguez (single) and Flisi (base ball). Ten minutes and stop again. At the resumption, after another twenty full minutes, Centeno finds himself facing the pinch hitter Sambucci, who ends up on the fly from Batista.

The 7th runs off without interruption due to rain. San Marino starts the innings well with Batista’s hit, but Leonora and Pieternella finish “K” and Epifano is out in diamond. Parma starts with Desimoni F8, but then Talevi touches a ball towards Epifano: the San Marino shortstop blocks the insidious rebounder in a big way, but in a desperate attempt to assist towards the first he misses the shot and allows Talevi to get to second. Gonzalez intentionally passed in first, while the next batter is Mineo, who touches the valid of the ducal victory. Parmaclima wins 2-1, series on 2-2.


SAN MARINO: Ferrini 3b (0/3), Cellic (0/3), Angle 2b (0/2), Lino r (2/3), Ustariz 1b (0/3), Batista ed (1/3), Leonora Es (0/3), Pieternella dh (0/3), Epiphany ss (1/3).

PARMACLIMA: Desimonies (0/3), Talevi 2b/ss (1/4), Gonzalez ed/2b (1/2), Mine r (2/4), Koutsoyanopoulos ec/ed (0/3), Astorri 1b (2). /3), Rodriguez 3b (1/3), Flici dh (0/1), Battioni (Sambucci 0/1, Poma ec) ss (0/1).

SAN MARINO: 000 100 0 = 1 bv 4 e 2
PARMACLIMA: 000 100 1 = 2 bv 7 e 2

LAUNCHERS: Quevedo (i) rl 3.2, bvc 4, bb 1, so 3, pgl 1; Centeno (L) rl 2.2, bvc 3, bb 4, so 4, pgl 1; Montilla (i) rl 6, bvc 3, bb 1, so 9, pgl 1; Diaz (W) rl 1, bvc 1, bb 0, so 2, pgl 0.

NOTE: no extra-basic measures.


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