results and rankings for the fourth day. Setterosa wins and convinces, well all the big names – OA Sport

Fourth round for the preliminary stage, the group stage, of the European women’s water polo in Split. Today no surprises in Croatia, with all the big players who win in matches on paper very unbalanced.

The Setterosa is not wrong: four out of four, clear success with Serbia. Spain also did well in group B and France, the next opponent of Silipo’s gang. In Group A clear successes for Greece, Holland and Hungary.

Let’s relive this day with results and rankings.

4th matchday – Thursday 1 September

Girone A
Germany-Greece 3-13 (0-2, 3-6, 0-3, 0-2)
Romania-Netherlands 0-28 (0-8, 0-7, 0-6, 07)
Croatia-Hungary 6-22 (3-5, 2-4, 1-7, 0-6)


Netherlands 12, Greece 9, Hungary 6, Croatia 6, Germany 3, Romania 0

Girone B
Serbia-Italia 7-23 (1-5, 1-5, 3-7, 2-6)
Spain-Israel 20-3 (5-2, 6-1, 3-0, 6-0)
France-Slovakia 28-5 (8-0, 7-1, 6-2, 7-2)


Italy 12, Spain 9, France 6, Israel 6, Serbia 3, Slovakia 0

Photo: Lapresse


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