Tennis star Chris Evert reacts to the death of Queen Elizabeth.

Chris Evert, former world number one and winner of 18 Grand Slams, has reacted to the death of Queen Elizabeth II after the latter passed away peacefully.

“She was dedicated to a life of service. She inspired and gave hope to her country. She was honorable and gracious…Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II,” Evert wrote.

Here is the statement from the Palace on the passing of Queen Elizabeth: ‘The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon The King and Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and return to London tomorrow’

King Charles III, Britain’s new king, also made a statement. “The passing of my beloved mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family.

We deeply mourn the passing of a beloved Sovereign and a much-loved mother. During this time of grief and change, my family and I will be comforted and supported by the knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which the Queen was so widely held,” King Charles III said.

Besides Chris Evert, other tennis stars have reacted to the Queen’s passing.

Roger Federer’s reaction to the death of Queen Elizabeth.

Shortly after the announcement of Queen Elizabeth’s death, Wimbledon master Roger Federer wrote a farewell message and sent his condolences to the royal family.

Federer posted the message to his Instagram Stories along with a photo of him and Queen Elizabeth.

Rafael Nadal sent his condolences.

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth, 22-time Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal sent his condolences to the Royal Family and the British people.


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