that’s why Milik’s 3-2 was regular!

At 4 ‘Piatek claims the penalty for a contact in the area with Bremer, who risks a lot by crossing the race of the Pole. The referee joiner, well located, let it go. At 19 ‘la Salerno took the lead with Candreva: goal validated only after the Var control, which wanted to verify the absence of hand touches. At 47 ‘, after the control at the Var, the referee assigns the penalty to Salernitana for the hand touch of Bremer. At 47 ‘st Vilhena hooks up Alex Sandro in the area: there is the penalty for Juventus. At 50 ‘st Milik scores with a header, but then the referee cancels the 3-2 after the control at the Var punishing the attempted intervention of Bonucci’s head, judged offside even if by some images there seems to be Candreva further behind than everyone else. But in any case, the movement of the captain, who does not touch the ball, does not interfere with Sepe’s chances of avoiding the goal (to evaluate the pull of the shirt suffered by the Juventus center). And therefore the 3-2 was not to be canceled. In addition to the damage, the insult: Milik, Cuadrado and Allegri expelled.

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Juve-Salernitana, chaos in the final and brawl on the pitch

The madness of the referees, the faults of Juventus

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The madness of the referees, the faults of Juventus

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