the elite test begins in Wollongong! – OA Sport


4.42 To report a forfeit at the start of today’s test concerning the Dutch Demi Vollering, who tested positive for Covid:

4.38 The women’s elite test of the Wollongong World Cup officially begins now!

4.37 Some problems for Marta Bastianelli during the transfer, promptly assisted by the flagship.

4.33 Below is the video of the athletes’ departure:

4.29 Here are the first images related to the transfer path:

4.25 The athletes’ transfer course has begun, with a total of 6.9 kilometers.

4.21 Almost 165 kilometers to be tackled are planned, in a not easy route having to face the tear of Mount Keira and (even if lighter) of Mount Pleasant.

4.17 And here are the athletes who are preparing to start, scheduled in less than ten minutes:

4.13 130 will take part in the test; below the startlist:

4.09 Today it will be up to the elite women to compete for the world title in Wollongong, Australia.

4.05 Friends of OA Sport, cycling enthusiasts, good morning to everyone and everyone! We are ready to live together the women’s elite test of the World Cup in Wollongong 2022!

Good evening everyone and welcome to LIVE LIVE of the elite women’s online test of the women’s cycling world stage in Wollongong, Australia. The rainbow jersey will be awarded tonight, in a rather hard course of almost 165 kilometers, favorable to those who know how to move well uphill.

After a first stretch of a fairly easy line of 28 kilometers, the group will face the tear of the Mount Keira, 6500 meters at 6.2% average gradient; it could be the ramp that will start the escape that will characterize the day. You then enter the final circuit, to be repeated six times, with the climb of Mount Pleasant, which will also touch the 14% maximum gradient.

Italy will try to play its cards, also in function of the precarious conditions of the favorite number one Annemiek VanVleuten, fell during the time trial and left the hospital with an elbow fracture. But after all, the blue can not hide when they have at their disposal reigning champion Elisa Balsamo, nine victories for her this season. With the rank of co-captain there is also Elisa Longo Borghini, capable of exalting herself in the big events, while Silvia Persico also deserves special attention after the excellent season played.

Women’s cycling, World Championships 2022: 24 September schedules, program, TV, streaming, Italians in the race

However, there are opponents, and they are many: from the Dutch Demi Vollering and Marianne Vos, to the Belgian Lotte Kopecky, passing through the hostess Grace Brown, the Iberian Mavi Garcia, the Danish Cecilie Ludwig and the German Liane Lippert: this race remains open to any result.

The women’s elite online trial of the World Cycling Championships will begin at 4.25 am; OA Sport will follow the event with LIVE LIVE from the race, so as not to miss a single pedal stroke. GOOD FUN!

Photo: LaPresse


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