The IMD offers more than 4,100 places for Sports Schools, 200 more than…

The Municipal Sports Institute (IMD) of Santander offers this course a total of 4,173 places for the Sports Schools, 200 more than last year, when they already increased by 500 compared to the previous one. The pre-registration period for the courses opens on September 12, which begin the first week of October.

This has been announced by the Councilor for Sport, Felipe Pérez Manso, who presented this Thursday at a press conference the programming of the Sports Schools for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Of the 4,173 places offered, 2,138 are for Sports Schools; 306 for activities from October to June; 1,529 (each quarter) for quarterly activities; and 200 for Campus.

As novelties this year, four schools are expanded, Handball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Volleyball. Four new quarterly courses have also been introduced: Tennis for adults in the morning, Therapeutic Aquagym, GAP (glutes, abdominals and legs), Crosstraining, and Latin Aero-step.

The deadline for pre-registration is extended until September 19, and students from those disciplines or venues in which demand does not exceed supply will be admitted directly; and in case of doing so, a lottery will be held, assigning places with preference to students registered in the municipality of Santander.

Each student may make a maximum of four pre-registrations, and if this number is exceeded, only the first four will be taken into account. In case of being successful in the draw, the student will only be admitted in one of the activities and times in which there are free places.

Manso stressed that “finally” we are in a normal environment, after the pandemic, with which the IMD is already working “at full capacity”.

As of September 23, in activities with vacant places, registration can be made directly through the website.


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