Two Liverpool supporters have committed suicide since the events at the Stade de France

“There is no doubt that if they committed this irreparable act, it was because the last Champions League final reactivated in them the trauma of 1989, which they thought they had overcome”. These few words are those of Peter Scarfe, president of the group of survivors of the Hillsborough tragedy, in the newspaper l’Equipe. He confirms there, two days after having announced it during a congress on this drama which marked England, the suicide of two Liverpool supporters present at the Stade de France in the midst of the chaos of the Champions League final.

According to Scarfe, the memory of 1989 has “come back to haunt” these two people, ages 52 and 63. On April 15, 1989, during a match between Liverpool and Notthingham Forest, 97 (93 instantly, 4 after-effects) Reds supporters died during a gigantic crowd movement, compressed against the gates around ground. A scene that the 150 Reds fans present in Hillsborough and Stade de France would have felt like they were reliving. “The events at the Stade de France have many points in common with those at Hillsborough,” Scarfe told L’Equipe. In both cases, there were crowd movements complicated by bottlenecks, people pressed against each other (…) and above all false accusations afterwards. »

VIDEO. “The Minister of the Interior must resign”: Ted Morris, Liverpool supporter and disabled, recounts his ordeal at the Stade de France

In 1989, the media and then the courts initially accused Liverpool fans of having caused the crowd movement. At the Stade de France, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin also pointed the finger at English supporters before apologizing several weeks later. According to Scarfe, many English supporters present in Paris are now psychologically supported.


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