World Cup 2022: Qatar mobilizes its conscripts to maintain security around matches

Qatar will use conscripts to bolster its security forces during the FIFA World Cup from November 20 to December 18. The small Gulf emirate will rely on its own police force and army, but also on foreign security forces as well as private security companies, to maintain order as more than a million visitors are expected during the tournament.

Since 2014, all Qatari men between the ages of 18 and 35 must complete four months of national service in the army. The emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, who initiated the measure, said in a recent interview that he was considering extending it to women. Men in key civilian positions can delay their military service but some have been called up for the 2022 World Cup.

“Qatar’s national service program will continue as normal during the World Cup,” a government official said on condition of anonymity. “Recruits performing their compulsory service will be temporarily supported by a small number of conscripts,” he added, explaining that the practice is common in Qatar for major events.

Conscripts were also in demand when Qatar hosted the world championships in athletics in 2019 and the Arab Football Cup, a repeat for the World Cup, last year. Qatar has more than 50,000 soldiers and police but will also call on thousands of security guards in its stadiums and foreign forces to monitor its streets.

Turkey has agreed to send 3,200 police to the emirate during the World Cup and diplomats have said Pakistan and Morocco are also expected to send troops.


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