Zanetti: “Salernitana has raised the bar but then there is always the field. You change? I don’t believe in turnover “

In Salerno on paper, a direct confrontation.

Salernitana – Empoli. On paper, a direct confrontation. On the pitch, however, the grenades seem further ahead and with different objectives than Zanetti’s team which analyzes the challenge at a press conference. His words are taken from planet Empoli.

The coach believes that the Salernitana is not to be considered a small nor a dangerous one. “It is difficult for me to think that those who have invested almost 50 million on the market can consider themselves to be placed on the same level as us or have the same goal as ours. Salernitana has raised the bar but then there is always the field. It will be an interesting and stimulating challenge. to continue our path of growth and give continuity of performance. We will make some changes but I will certainly not upset the team. I do not believe in turnover, I have never done it unless a player gives me the feeling of being tired. endure three games in a week also because my boys train much more than the minutes they play. We will try to stay inside the game at the level of intensity “.

End of the market … and the distractions. This is the group until January. “The end of the transfer market in a certain sense is a new beginning. I have already talked to the guys. Someone was in trouble because they did not know their future, now their heads are totally based on Empoli and on our goal, which is common and not individual. Important players have arrived who will give us a great hand. From a physical point of view the new ones have presented themselves quite well, not at the top as is normal. . Once the market is over, a mini-balance of the first few months can be drawn up in Empoli. “I’m here and I hope to stay there as long as possible. I deal with great professionals. Now I understand why the company of a small city compared to other metropolises, is able to play football at such a high level. The secret is work and I marry in full this idea. We proceed with humility and with hunger for results, laying the foundations for a future I was looking for for an important future “



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