A2 basketball championship at the start – Sport

Pallacanestro Trieste turns the page: without a match, without Cavaliero and with the thirty-year-old rookie Marco Legovich on the bench, the youngest in the league, he tries to fight the skepticism of fans and professionals.

New team built around point guard Davis, pending the transfer of ownership to an American fund that should guarantee fresh money. Until that moment, thanks to the calendar and injuries, the goal is only one: that of salvation and permanence in Serie A.

It starts tomorrow at 7pm at PalaTrieste against Pesaro, a challenge on affordable paper.

In A2 there are two Friulians at the start: the APU Old Wild West is definitely aiming high after the last two seasons which ended with a defeat in the final. Bianconeri on the pitch in Ferrara tomorrow at 6pm.

Absolute debut in A2 tonight at home at 20 against Chieti instead for Pillastrini’s Gesteco, who bet on a fast team even if with little experience in the category, with the Argentine Chiera as a foreigner who still leaves room for maneuver in the transfer market.

(in the report Marco Legovich, Matteo Boniciolli and Stefano Pillastrini)


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