Auray hosted a judo course to prepare for the black belt – Auray

To win the black belt, judokas must pass several UV (unit of value). On Sunday, the Dojo Alréen hosted a technical UV preparation course organized by the Departmental Committee.

“For the first dan, you have to master six standing techniques, four on the ground, and two of jiu-jitsu” specifies Lionel Le Dorze, teacher of the Alréen club. For three hours, the participants reviewed their scales under the guidance of Jean-Jacques Renaud, Henri Petit, both sixth dan, and Pierre Duren, third dan, three teachers from the Dojo Mauronnais. On the program: standing and ground grips, jiu-jitsu, principles of imbalance, placements, falls…

The next technical course will take place on November 12 in Ploërmel with validation of the UV in stride.


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