‘Blue Jackets’ will start the new season without Merzlikin’s backup in Korpisalo

The Columbus Blue Jackets of the National Hockey League (NHL) will have to start the new season without their Finnish goaltender Jonas Korpisalo, who is still recovering from an injury.

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The Blue Jackets have not included Korpisalo in their application for the first match of the season. The 28-year-old Finnish goalkeeper underwent hip surgery in the spring and was expected to spend around six months in rehabilitation.

Korpisalo did not participate in any of the Columbus team’s pre-season test games, but at the beginning of the season, Russian Daniil Tarasov will be the second number behind Latvian Elvja Merzlikin.

Last season, Merzlikin won the position of the Blue Jackets’ first goalkeeper, although previously he and Korpisalo shared goals equally. The Latvian played in 59 games, in which he allowed an average of 3.22 innings and saved 90.7% of shots, also achieving two “dry” victories.

On the other hand, Korpisalo allowed an average of 4.15 innings in 22 matches and managed only 87.7% shooting.

“Blue Jackets” will start the new NHL season on Thursday night, when they will visit Carolina “Hurricanes”.

Meanwhile, for the Pittsburgh “Penguins” first game on Friday night against the Arizona “Coyotes”, the Latvian forward Teodors Bļugers, who has been recovering from an injury for a couple of weeks, has been included. He still hasn’t started full training with the team.


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