Call for Sport and Suburbs, Montespertoli seeks funds for a karate gym

The work of the municipal administration of Montespertoli continues to raise funds outside its budget to boost public investments in the area. In particular, this is the turn of the sports facilities: the municipal council has in fact recently approved a definitive project for the construction of a gym dedicated to wrestling sports within the Molino del Ponte area, where the municipal sports facilities currently stand. . This design was necessary to participate in the Italian Government’s “Sport and Peripheries” tender, which aims at the new construction and regeneration of buildings intended for sports. In this sense, the investment can only be realized through the award of the resources foreseen by the tender itself.

The project, made possible thanks to the internal work of the Strategic Planning Office of the Public Works service, has an overall economic framework of 700,000 Euros, for which a partial coverage of 595,000 Euros is required (the Entity will have to contribute an amount equal to 15 %). From the point of view of the planned interventions, the idea of ​​the Administration consists in the restructuring of the building near the tennis courts, in partial disuse, and its conversion into a gym for wrestling sports. In order to make the spaces suitable for use, the sports facility would include, among other things:

spaces for activities with related equipment for sports practice;

changing rooms for athletes and instructors, including toilets and showers;

systems for the custody of clothes;

first aid area;

in general, spaces intended for the public that can be used by people with disabilities

The offer of courses could thus be extended to judo, while in the outdoor area kyudo and Japanese archery courses could be activated, with a view to transforming this space into a reference point for the organization of competitions. Finally, the new gym will also be able to accommodate courses for people of advanced age, focusing on gentle gymnastics or Tai Chi Chuan.

“The building next to the tennis office is in need of redevelopment. With this project we intend to create the gym for wrestling sports, namely judo, karate and martial arts. In this way we will give new life to a building that has been in disuse for too many years and, thanks to this recovery, we will be able to free up spaces in the current gym, improve the offer of karate courses during the week and focus on an activity agonistic of the first order. The new facility will thus be able to accommodate new disciplines assuming the value of a Dojo reserved for the practice of oriental disciplines ”comments the Mayor, Alessio Mugnaini.


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