Dak Prescott will not play against the Rams, and his return will have to

After a new victory for the Cowboys, a new week of expectations began around the return of Dak Prescott. It’s true that the quarterback has made progress in post-op recovery from the fracture of his right thumb in Week 1. But Dallas head coach Mike McCarthy said Monday that Prescott’s chances of returning this week would depend on his checkup. doctor who would have #4 on Tuesday morning.

Now, after learning details of the report, everything indicates that Prescott’s return will have to wait.

As reported by Calvin Watkins of The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday, Prescott’s fracture is still healing. Even the use of plate and screws can get the quarterback back into action faster. However, a person familiar with the injury said the thumb isn’t strong enough yet for Dak to play.

This Watkins report confirms the information given hours earlier by Jerry Jones, owner and general manager of the Cowboys. In his Tuesday radio interview on 105.3 The Fan, Jones hinted that Dak Prescott would not play Sunday against the Rams. This, in his words, is because Dak still can’t catch the ball well enough to play.

“I know it’s better”Jones said of Prescott. “Considering the injury and its location, I don’t know how you could progress further. And there are things about healing that only those who are up there know how they work. But (Dak) is going to have a great week and he’s going to be tough on himself getting ready to play.”

It is worth mentioning that Mike McCarthy, head coach in Dallas, indicated on Monday that a possible return of Prescott this week would depend on two factors: the approval of the treating doctors, and that the quarterback could start practicing without restrictions from the Wednesday. Now, after the confirmation of the medical report, that plan will continue. Just not for this week, obviously.

“I definitely want to see Dak go through a full week of preparation before playing.”McCarthy said during a press conference on Monday. “We’re not talking about being away for a week or two, you know? This will be a month (from the time of the injury), and yes, I would definitely like to see him get through a full week (of work). And we’ll have four seven-day weeks here, so time will tell.”

Now, depending on how his recovery progresses, Dak Prescott could be back as early as next week. Thus, he would meet the minimum time of four weeks off that was estimated after his surgery. If Prescott gets ready for Week 6, he’ll be right back to face the (so far) undefeated Philadelphia Eagles in his stadium. Without a doubt, a very important game for the cowboy team.

Still, it seems quiet in Dallas. Against all odds, Cooper Rush has performed well enough for the team to remain undefeated during Prescott’s absence. This has made it unnecessary to try to rush Dak’s return. This, of course, despite the marshal’s obvious desire to return to action as soon as possible.

However, Mike McCarthy maintains a methodology for working with players returning from major injuries: they will have to have at least a full week of full training before returning to action. So it was with Michael Gallup, who extended the deadline to two weeks to feel totally ready. And, according to the statements of the Dallas coach on Monday, the same will happen with Prescott.

Will Grier will join the active roster this week

With Prescott ruled out for this Sunday, the Cowboys had a dilemma to resolve: add quarterback Will Grier to the active roster. During Cooper Rush’s three games as a starter this season, Grier was called up from the practice squad in all of them. However, a player from that squad can only have up to three roster elevations during the campaign. And this meant cutting someone.

However, this Tuesday it was learned that long snapper Jake McQuaide will miss the rest of the season due to a torn triceps. Injury, worth mentioning, suffered last Sunday against the Commanders. The Cowboys immediately began testing potential replacements for McQuaide. Since the chosen one can enter the practice squad and be promoted, the dilemma with Grier would already be solved.

As we can see, the return of Dak Prescott in week 6 against the Eagles will depend on the approval of the doctors. And, as Mike McCarthy asks, if the quarterback can get at least a full week of work. However, the Dallas coaching staff won’t rush Dak back as long as Cooper Rush continues to do his job.


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