Defeat Trieste in the first championship

The home challenge with Pesaro opens the season of Trieste basketball, who had never before lost against the Marche within the friendly walls. Among the hosts present on the bench Lever for signing honor, after knee surgery, while the role of former on duty is of Frank Gaines, in Pesaro in the 2014/2015 season, albeit for only six games.

Trieste-Pesaro, the race

Coach Legovich starts with Davis, Bartley, Deangeli, Pacher and Spencer. The latter present themselves immediately to their new fans, following Davis’ skilful direction, while on the other side Tambone triggers Kravic and Cheatam. Captain Deangeli signs up on the scoresheet and ignites the building, with the guests who, however, maintain the advantage until half time, when the Davis-Spencer duo stands out and allows Trieste to impact the match at an altitude of 11. Defenses still to be recorded on both sides of the parquet, there are iron attacks and some delicious alley-oops; the guests take advantage of it to get back on the road thanks to an Abdur-Rahkman in great shape. Even if the entrances of Gaines and Campogrande give new life to the Trieste attack, the hosts continue to suffer in particular the initiatives of Kravic in the painted and of Tambone dall’arco, which lead Pesaro to close the first ten minutes on +9 .

At the beginning of the second fraction the music does not seem to change, it is always Carpegna Prosciutto who dictates the rhythm of the game, even changing the protagonists on the parquet, with Abdur-Rahkman and Totè taking the stage. For Trieste there is a lot of Gaines, often and willingly sought by Bossi and his associates, but the gap remains in favor of the guests, who do not give up an inch and show great offensive variety. Davis returns in the usual role of the driver and Trieste gnaws a few points of difference, arriving at -4 after 6 minutes. Tambone and Gaines challenge each other from the bow, under the planks is an affair between Spencer and Totè. Davis’ steal for the counterattack and Bartley’s subsequent dunk make the cheering explode again, with Trieste getting even lower in the score. Pesaro runs out of the bonus and has some difficulty in stemming the energy of the hosts, who manage to stay in the wake, while closing the second fraction at -3.

Third quarter that begins with front-wheel drive Pesaro, pushed by Tambone and above all by Moretti, Trieste relies on Davis, who strikes from below and from outside, keeping his players hooked in the score. The Trieste defense is not impeccable. Pesaro’s players find little opposition in the lines of attack against the iron: almost a wedding invitation for Abdur-Rahkman and the “usual” Kravic, who certainly do not let themselves be prayed for. Pacher and Vildera are unable to counter Kravic and Mazzola and the painted becomes difficult terrain for Trieste to conquer. Pesaro widens the gap to the double digits finding points also from the arc and coach Legovich tries to shuffle the cards, putting Gaines back on the parquet. The effect is not immediate, the guests firmly keep the reins of the race, often and willingly sending his towers to strike from below and reaching +12 at the end.

The last fraction always starts with Pesaro to lead the race with the penetrations and points of an unleashed Abdur-Rahkman, Trieste has wet powders and has great difficulty in producing turnover. Moretti’s alley-oop for Totè perfectly captures the dark moment of Trieste, which tries to react with Bartley and Gaines. Moretti and Tambone disagree and in the middle of the quarter the gap is 17 points in favor of the guests. The audience loudly pushes the team, which puts heart and soul into it, but is unable to recover. In the final Pesaro travels on velvet, closes the defensive shirts and allows himself some affectation, inaugurating the garbage time rather soon and taking home the two points (

Trieste-Pesaro, the match report


Trieste basketball: Gaines 23, Pacher 8, Bossi 3, Davis 12, Spencer 4, Deangeli 5, Campogrande 3, Vildera 4, Bartley 12, Lever ne. All.: Legovich

Carpegna Pesaro Ham: Kravic 20, Abdur-Rahkman 21, Visconti 0, Moretti 19, Tambone 14, Stazzonelli 0, Mazzola 4, Charalampopoulos no, Totè 10, Cheatham 12, Defino no. All.: Repesa

Partial: 18-27 / 44-47 / 60-72

Referees: Mazzoni, Grisons, Catani .’s photo


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