Fortitudo beats Nardò

Get off to a good start there Fortitudo ma Nardò immediately holds his head up: Thornton for L’Aquila, Vasl and Stojanovic for the Apulians, then Barbante and Stojanovic again. The first quarter ends 21-21.
Cloths and Cucci for the break of Dalmonte’s team, Nardò is again under again with Stojanovic (17 final points for him) and Vasl (18 points). Triple by Davis, Aradori with the free and +11 Fortitudo in the first half.

The second part of the race sees the Effe take off without ever risking anything: the Lions’ Fossa ignites, the Fortitudo won.

Fortitudo-Nardò, the match report

FORTITUDO KIGILI BOLOGNA – NARDO ‘BASKETBALL 86-62 (Part: (21-21, 43-32, 67-52)

Fortitudo Kigili Bologna: Thornton 16, Aradori 12, Barbante 8, Panni 8, Paci, Fantinelli 9, Italiano 12, Cucci 16, Davis 5, Niang, Bonfiglioli. Ne: Biordi. Herds Dalmonte

Nardò: Poletti 17, Baldasso 4, La Torre 2, Donda 2, Vasl 18, Stojanovic 17, Kebe, Borra, Parravicini 2, Baccassino. Buscicchio. Herd De Carlo.

Total Shots: For 31/59 (three 12/26), Nar 21/66 (8/28 three). Title release: For 12/12, On 12/1 Reimbursement: For 38, Near 35. Assists: For 18, Near

Referees: Salustri, Yang, Attard


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