“I don’t know why, but I’m going to harass him until my body gives out”

IF the rivalries font increasingly rare in the NBA, two men still harbor an animosity that is strongly reminiscent of the 80s and 90s. Moreover, a Lakers player admitted quite clearly that he would not let go of his best enemy, unless his body let go.

How far are the days when NBA players hated each other by nurturing real rivalries on the court and in life… More than 30 years after the fact, Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas still do not speak to each other, they are still marked by the violent clashes between the Bulls and the Detroit Bad Boys at the end of the 80s′. A no doubt exaggerated animosity which can no longer exist today.

Obviously there are still rivalries in the current league, but they are more the product of the media than of the talents themselves. For example, if Luka Doncic and Trae Young are always compared and put in opposition, they get along rather well and each observes the career of the other with benevolence. The same can be said with I Morant and Zion Williamson…

Patrick Beverley determined to destroy Chris Paul!

Those nostalgic for the 90s can be reassured, two men still maintain an old-fashioned rivalry, namely Patrick Beverley and Chris Paul. After being very critical about CP3 during the last playoffs, the new leader of the Lakers decided to put a layer in the first episode of his podcast. He made it clear that he intended to harass his rival to death…or at least until retirement.

If we play a game on the street, I put all-terrain pressure on him. He’s gonna feel it every time until he retires or until my body gives out. I will harass him. I don’t feel that for a lot of people, but I feel it for him and I don’t really know why. He was a big brother to me, I admired him… Then I became a competitor.

Patrick Beverley can’t even explain it, but he feels a pretty overwhelming urge to destroy Chris Paul when he sees him. Whether on a playground or on a parquet floor, he will always have this desire to put pressure on him, to get into him, which promises us some more electric clashes. From the preseason, the leader of the Lakers did not hesitate to tease his best enemy.

Patrick Beverley is still determined to make Chris Paul’s life hell… The Point God knows it, so he can prepare for his next clashes with the Lakers. He’s not the last in terms of vice, which guarantees a great show.


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