Leicester watcher fillets the 4 Leicester Belgians: “They will have to fight against the relegation” | Premier League

What’s going on with Leicester City? After 9 match days, the 2016 champion and 2021 cup winner is lonely last in the Premier League with 4
meager dots. Are you looking with angry looks at the 4 Belgians in the
core or is the problem elsewhere? Leicester watcher Jordan Blackwel evaluates our compatriots at The Foxes.

“They get goals in like it’s nothing”

These are not fun times for Youri Tielemans, Timothy Castagne, Dennis Praet and
Wout Faes. The four Red Devils carry the red lantern in the Premier League.
With their team Leicester City they could only win once and draw once.

“It’s really been a disaster season,” said Jordan Blackwell, who has been following the squad for years for Leicester City News. “They’ve lost six games in a row. That had never happened under the current coach, Brendan Rodgers. They concede goals like it’s nothing.”

I think it has to get better soon, because otherwise there is a real threat of relegation

Jordan Blackwell, Leicester City-watcher

Leicester City have the most goals conceded in the Premier League, 24 of them. “The defense is really weak, playing without confidence and players who make individual mistakes are at the root of all those goals. Besides, everyone is questioning the quality of the goalkeeper, Danny Ward.”

From an attacking point of view it is good, because the team has already scored 15 times. But looks can be deceiving, says Jordan Blackwell. “A lot of goals are scored from a distance and not with created chances. So that can’t last.”

There are serious concerns within the club.” Admittedly, it was not all easy matches, but apart from that, I think it has to get better soon, otherwise there is a real threat of relegation,” says the Leicester follower.

“The fans are behind Castagne and Faes”

But despite the fact that the defense appears to be cheese with holes, the problem isn’t there, according to Blackwell.

“One of the few players to reach the level of previous seasons is Timothy Castagne. Most fans also see him as the player with the most regularity. And he really isn’t to blame for the defensive blunder.”

He also played very well against Bornemouth last weekend. After 5 minutes he got an elbow in the face and after his injury at the European Championships you would think that would play tricks on him.

“However, he kept on playing and going into a duel, and the fans want to see that. But after a little more than an hour it stopped working and he left the field with a 0-1 lead. Four minutes later it was 2-1 Bournemouth.”

It’s not ideal for a new young player to get into a team that isn’t spinning, but he’s done well

Leicester City-watcher, Jordan Blackwell, over Wout Faes

Newcomer Wout Faes was also dropped in the team in the last three games. “I’ve already talked to him and you can feel he’s happy to be in a top team. It’s not ideal for a new young player to get into a team that isn’t spinning, but he’s done a good job,” said Blackwell.

On his debut, Leicester lost 6-2 to Tottenham, but Faes and the other centre-back Johnny Evans played well. “It was certainly not their fault that the defeat was so heavy. The players around them and especially the goalkeeper underperformed.”

Faes already has the support of the fans. “They see that he always goes for it 100%. He does not shy away from the duel, the sliding and the tackle. He is strong on the ball, likes to dribble out and he has chemistry with Johnny Evans.” He is a little more the organizer of the defense and Faes is the more active defender who takes on the striker.”

“Against Bournemouth he may have made a mistake on the first goal, but that did not affect his confidence, unlike other players who have lost many games. That is positive for the future.”

Tielemans is no longer “The Star of The Show”

And what about Youri Tielemans, who has been the goldcrest of the club for years? “He’s not ‘The Star of The Show’ he was when they won the FA Cup in 2021, but he’s still an important player.”

Jordan knows that there were even doubts whether Tielemans would start in the starting line-up this season. Brendan Rodgers wanted to play the new star, James Maddison, more centrally, leaving no room in midfield, with Ndidi and Dewsbury-Hall controlling players.

Castagne took Maddison’s position on the right. But due to the serious injury of defender Ricardo Pereira, Castagne moved back one place, so that Maddison ended up on the right again and Tielemans regained his place in midfield.

Tielemans is the most important link between defense and attack.

He can and dares scatter the passes that no one else on the team sees.

Jordan Blackwell, Leicester City-watcher

Tielemans is still the most important link between defense and attack for our Leicester watcher.

“He can and dares to scatter the through passes that no one else in the team sees. That is the game Leicester wants to play: Tielemans pushes through to Maddison, who squeezes in, creates space for Castagne and thus creates opportunities.”

But a lesser form at the end of last season and transfer rumors to Arsenal made the fans doubt the Anderlecht player. Blackwell blames it on fatigue and overexertion.

“In recent seasons, Youri has played 25 more matches than any other Leicester player. Moreover, he was the only one who never wanted to change Brendan Rodgers because he was too important.”

Dennis Praet doesn’t get enough chances

The last Belgian who has been sidetracked at Leicester is Dennis Praet. Everyone expected him to stay permanently in Torino after his loan spell, where he had a very good season, but strangely enough he returned.

“Even Brendan Rodgers was really surprised when Dennis said he wanted to stay,” Blackwell said.

But Praet doesn’t play and doesn’t get chances to prove himself, although the squad isn’t spinning. “A few season ago there was a feeling among the fans that their team played better with Praet between the lines. Especially because there were automatisms with Tielemans and Castagne.”

With Leicester continuing to lose, the call to let Praet play is getting louder. But it is not easy to get him on the team. “Then must local boy Dewsbury-Hall out, because Maddison and Tielemans will remain, and that is not so obvious.”


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