Mutombo Dikembe is battling a brain tumor but has been treated

Former basketball player, NBA (American Basketball League World) head coach Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo, is battling a brain tumor and undergoing treatment in Atlanta, United States, the NBA said in a statement o ‘on Sunday.

“Mutombo Dikembe is currently undergoing treatment for a brain tumor,” said a statement posted on the NBA’s Twitter account.

A tumor is an inflammation of an area of ​​the body.

According to the statement, Dikembers as he is called “is receiving the best possible treatment in collaboration with highly qualified doctors.” “Dikembe and his family have requested that they be released peacefully so that they can carefully monitor this treatment. Thank you for the prayer and kind words”, the statement added.

At the age of 56, Dikembe is one of the few defenders or guards to really leave news in the NBA.

He played more than 18 years or season in the NBA with teams like the Denver Nuggets, Philadelphia 76rs, Atlanta Hawks and New Jerser Nets.

Dikembe Mutmbo retired from playing professionally in 2009 but is also best known for the support work he has done in his home country, DRC (Democratic Cogno Republic) and elsewhere in Africa and the world.

He built a large hospital in Kinshasa in the name of his mother, Mama Biamba Mutombo Dikembe. He has also recently built a new school in Kasaï in the name of his father who was a teacher.


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