NBA: France, United States … Thunderbolt for Joel Embiid


NBA: France, United States … Thunderbolt for Joel Embiid

Published on October 8, 2022 at 10:35 p.m.

Dreaming of an Olympic medal, Joel Embiid is not against evolving with another selection than that of Cameroon. The Philadelphia 76ers star then obtained French nationality this summer. But a few weeks later, the 28-year-old also became an American citizen. What bring great competition to France in this case.

Born in Cameroon, Joel Embiid is not in favor of the idea of ​​playing with the national team of his country of origin. The 28-year-old dreams of an Olympic medal and thus wishes to join a nation which will be able to allow him to realize his wish. During the summer, Joel Embiid then obtained French nationality after several steps taken. For the team of Francethe pivot of Philadelphia 76ers would represent a reinforcement of weight. But the latter could join another team.

Embiid also has American nationality

A few weeks after obtaining French nationality, Joel Embiid also became a US citizen. Living in the United States for several years now, the NBA star is now eligible for the selection which has seen several legends of the league like LeBron James, Kobe Bryant or Vince Carter. Considered the best team in the world, Team USA might be able to convince Joel Embiid to play under its colors. Enough to bring strong competition to the France in this file.

Team USA also wants Embiid

According to information from the journalist Marc Steinthe Team USA would intend to recruit Joel Embiid. The fulcrum of Philadelphia 76ers could be tempted by the American selection in order to have a good chance of winning a gold medal. The France will therefore have strong competition in this file. But the Blues had taken a bit of a lead since Boris Diaw and other elements of the group had already spoken to him about this idea. To be continued…


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