Oswaldo Cabrera hit his fifth home run of the year

The Venezuelan Oswaldo Cabrera, prospect of the New York Yankeeshit his fifth home run of the year this Friday night and of his nascent career in the Major Leagues (MLB, for its acronym in English).

In the bottom of the fifth inning, the Creole took advantage of a high fastball from Jordan Lyles, starter for the Baltimore Orioles, to take it out through right field and momentarily even the score (1 to 1).

In accordance with Baseball Savantthe Venezuelan’s connection posted an exit speed of 101.1 miles per hour and traveled 368 feet at Yankees Stadium.

With this hit from four corners, the fourth at home, Oswaldo Cabrera reached 18 RBIs.

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On this day, the versatile Venezuelan baseball player went 4-2, with one run scoring and one RBI.

Despite what was done in the fifth chapter, the player from Guarenas, Miranda state, could not prevent the Yankees from falling (2 to 1) against the Orioles, who no longer have a chance to qualify for the postseason.


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