Pan American Table Tennis begins in Chile

By Edgar Amilcar Morales Garcia

Santiago de Chile, Oct 31 (Prensa Latina).– The sports facilities of the Chilean Olympic Committee will be the scene of the Pan American Table Tennis Championships, where the best qualified athletes of our continent will be present.

For seven days, until November 6, representatives from 16 countries will compete for the podium in the tournament, which will award tickets to the 2023 Pan American Games for the winners in the different modalities of this sport.

There are some federations that are facing economic difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the best exponents of this discipline will still be there, Henry Reinberg, vice president of the Pan American Table Tennis Confederation, told Prensa Latina.

Interviewed by this agency, the leader referred to the high quality of the Cuba team, which is already in this capital to compete in the championship.

They have players of an excellent level, such as Jorge Campos, Idalys Lovet and Daniela Fonseca, who by the way is the youngest who has qualified for the Olympic Games in the last 10 years, Reinberg said.

The Cuban group is also made up of Karla Pérez, Lizdainet Rodríguez, Eday Gómez and Liván Martínez.

Vladimir Araya, president of the Chilean Table Tennis Federation, assured that this will be a tournament of very good quality due to the level of the competitors, among them the Brazilian Hugo Calderano and the Puerto Rican Adriana Díaz, occupants of the fifth and eighth place in the top overall, respectively.

Our main expectation is that this will be a great sports festival and, of course, we aspire to always be on the podiums of these continental championships, Araya told Prensa Latina.

The Chilean delegation currently has the incentive of its successful participation in the Asunción 2022 South American Games, where table tennis won seven medals, three gold, one silver and three bronze.


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