On Sunday 16 October the Polisportiva Laigueglia ASD will host the most important MGA (Global Self Defense Method) FIJLKAM event of the season. About 100 technicians of the first, second and third MGA levels will be engaged in a day of updating and training regarding release techniques, joint levers and attacker control both standing and on the ground. Third level MGA teachers, that is the highest level attainable in the discipline, are also invited to participate. The opening of the event will be held at 9:30 am in the presence of the institutions, the authorities and the President of the Liguria FIJLKAM Regional Committee Filippo Faranda. The day will then continue under the guidance of two technicians of exceptional caliber, namely the President of National Commission MGA Master 7th Dan Enzo Failla and the Member of the National Commission MGA Master 6 ° Dan Daniele Berghi.
The Polisportiva Laigueglia ASD warmly thanks the Municipality of Laigueglia for having granted patronage to the event and the FIJLKAM Liguria Regional Committee for the trust placed in hosting the internship.
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