The Sassuolo October Fairs begin with the “Féra di Curiàus”

Tomorrow, Sunday 2 October, the rich program of the Sassuolo October Fairs begins with the “Féra di Curiàus” which, once again this year, will count on five Sundays of events and initiatives.

With the itinerant market expanded to all the squares and streets of the center, tomorrow morning the promotions and initiatives that every year the traders, itinerant and in fixed location, offer to the vast public of the fairs coming from all over the province and from the neighbors will begin. municipalities of Reggio.

Tomorrow’s program

100 meters of solidarityin viale XX Settembre at 12: Lunch in favor of the Ass.

Concresco in collaboration with Caffè del Viale, Bottega Frank, Osteria dei Girasoli, Salotto Regina and Giamberlano. Cost: 50.00 euros. 1.30 pm – Concert by Fabrizio Bixio

16.30 – Lindy Hop lesson by Swing Moves, 17.30 – Dj set by Lucio

Vallisneri. For info and reservations: 345 1338668

Art in via Fenuzzi: edisplay of works of art by the Group of Sassolese Painters J. Cavedoni aps – Via Fenuzzi, all day

Vicolo Conce – a street of artists: edisplay of works of art by the Group of Sassolese Painters J. Cavedoni aps – Vicolo Conce 9.00-18.30

Let’s clean the world: in the occasion of the world day “Clean up the World” and as part of #SASSUOLOCITTATTIVA 2022. Organized by the Circolo Arci Alete Pagliani

aps with the Circolo 1 ° Maggio aps, and the Ecological Guards, Legambiente, Friday for future, Sassolese Naturalistic Group. Meeting at the Circolo Arci Alete Pagliani aps (via Monchio) for cleaning Norma Barbolini Park, 1 ° Maggio Park and a stretch of the Secchia river bed. Afterwards, fried dumplings for the participants from 9.30

Archery: open archery trials with the Archers Val Secchia Archery range – Viale Ippolito Nievo. From 9.30 to 12.30

Show classic cars: by Sunrise Cafè in viale San Giorgio – From 3.30 pm

39th Band Festival “City of Sassuolo”: Band Body “Q. Manzini “of

Montese and Castel d’Aiano and Sassuolo Charity Piazza Garibaldi – 4.00 pm

Sasolhouse: Dj set and contest by and Pro Loco Sassuolo Piazza Martiri Partigiani, 4.00 pm

Curvy fashion showcurated by Atelier Caprioli Via Fenuzzi – 4 p.m

Sports danceby Danzaland A..SD Piazza Martiri Partigiani, 4:00 p.m

Karateby Jitsu Karate Club ASD in Piazza Martiri Partigiani at 16.00

1st Subbuteo Tournament City of Sassuoloedited by Subbuteoland Reggio Emilia

in collaboration with Manga Beats. For info and registration: [email protected]

Piazza Martiri Partisans – 4.00 pm – Registration of participants at 3.30 pm

Boxing exhibitionby Boxe Academy Sassuolo SSD in RL – Piazza Martiri Partigiani 5.00 pm

Rhythmic, artistic and parkour gymnasticscurated by MYA SSD in RL in Piazza Martiri Partigiani at 17.30

Final Prize Via Emilia 2022 – La Strada dei Cantautori: exhibition of the finalists of the competition. Guests and well-known personalities of the songwriting and the show. In piazzale Della Rosa from 8.30 pm

Free admission to the Doge’s Palaceas part of the #domenicaalmuseo initiative of the Ministry of Culture – Piazzale della Rosa from 10.00 to 18.00

Children’s area in Piazza Libertà in the afternoon

Street shows, music, markets and shops open with promotions by the Committee of the traders of the historic center of Sassuolo. All day



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