The Times: “Ukraine wants to organize the 2030 World Cup together with Spain and Portugal” | football

Spain and Portugal have previously run jointly and have reportedly agreed to Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky’s wish to join the bid.

The intention is that Ukraine will host one of the World Cup groups.

With the idea of ​​organizing the World Cup together, the 3 countries want to “contribute to hope and peace worldwide”, so it sounds.

Of course, security guarantees will be needed, but by 2030 it is expected that the Russian invasion will be over for some time and the country will be in full reconstruction.

This year the World Cup will be played in Qatar and in four years’ time the United States, Canada and Mexico will be the host countries.

A South American entente, consisting of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile, has also previously expressed interest in organizing the 2030 FIFA World Cup, 100 years after the first edition in Uruguay.

There is also interest in Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Saudi Arabia would try to seduce Egypt and Greece into the support of the European, Asian and African confederation. But then that would be another World Cup in the winter, like this year. And the European Leagues are against that.

UEFA would like to have an exclusive European World Cup in 2030, which Ukraine joins the Iberian Peninsula is considered a powerful upgrade to convince the 211 FIFA member states.


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