victory against Kalev / Cramo and primacy in the group

TOAST – A tough and determined Happy Casa Brindisi imposes itself (88-86) on the Estonians of Kalev / Cramo, a team from Tallin, conquering the summit of the EuropeCup firone F, which arrived today (Wednesday 26 October) on the third day. In the last period, New Basket Brindisi scored the decisive draw, grabbing the inertia of a match that in the first three quarters (each of which ended with a tie) was in total balance. To change the face of the match was the blaze with which the men of coach Vitucci, in the first six minutes of the fourth fraction, put their opponents on the ropes, flying on + 12.

But in the end there was a lot of sweat to repel Kalev’s overbearing comeback attempt. The New Basket, with 14 seconds left, offers a counterattack on a throw-in, giving the opponents the baskets (with a three-player play) of the most 1. But on the next action, four seconds from the end, it is the trained roster by Heiko Rannula to make it big, committing a sporting foul. Perkins, relentless from the line, realizes gives away the baskets of the definitive overtaking. Immediately after the siren a melee lights up, promptly sedated by the staff of the two teams, to which was also added the president of the Happy Casa, Nando Marino, to act as peacemaker.

The European ambitions of the Happy Casa are therefore relaunched. In fact, there are now three teams in first place in the group, with five points. It is the same Southern Star, Kalev and the Ukrainians of Kyiv’s Budivelnyk, who won 74-61 over the Dutch of Donar Groningen, last at three points. Next Sunday, Happy Casa will return to the field in Reggio Emilia (duo at 7 pm) for the fifth day of the Serie A championship. Next Wednesday (November 2) another Europe Cup challenge on the Budibelnyk parquet.

First quarter

Happy Casa Brindisi starts with Burnell, Reed, Bowman, Midnight, Perkins. The Kalev / Cramo responds with Gilbert, Van Beck, Konontsuk, Toom, Maiers.
A flurry of triples on both sides marks a crackling start to the game. Brindisi places three more than the Kalev. At 5 ‘, the hosts are ahead of seven (17-10). Once the “fury” of the New Basketball from long distance is over, the guests catch their breath and with a mini break they go back up the slope. At 9 ‘, the Happy Casa is down by four (19-23). But Brindisi’s reaction is immediate and the counter comeback is favorable. At the end of the quarter, the result is a tie (23-23).

Second quarter

The second set also starts with three-pointers. The Estonians make two in a row, carving out a margin of six lengths (23-26 at 13 ‘). The rotations, however, benefit the Happy Casa, which thanks to the ideas of Bayehe and Riisma keeps the ardor of the Kalev in check. At 17 ‘, Riisma scores the overtaking basket with a hand under his hand (35-34). The race is grafted onto the rails of balance. At the end of the time, it is still a tie (42-42).

Third fourth

The equilibrium situation also continues in the third period. Both teams defend with great intensity. At 27 ‘, dragged by Bowman and Perkins, New Basket placed a good extension, clearing the Estonians by nine points (61-52). But the Estonians immediately stop their opponents’ attempt to escape. At 29 ‘, thanks to a 10-0 mini break, the guests are again in front (61-62). At the end of the third quarter, thanks to a triple from Burnell followed by a two out of two from Kalev’s line, it is still a tie (64-64).

Last quarter

The pace and intensity of a match-up challenge have increased in the last period. With Mascolo in the control room, the Happy Casa gives a new breakthrough. At 34 ‘, a triple from Riismaa is worth the +8 basket (77-69). Estonians are in trouble. Brindisi takes advantage of it. At 35 ‘, for the first time, the gap is in double figures (81-71). Thanks also to one 0 out of two by Gilbert from the line, Brindisi, four minutes from the end, flies to +12 (83-71). But the Estonians don’t give up. At 39 ‘Kalev gets closer, reducing the gap to four points (85-81). About a minute from the end, a block is providential with which Bowman denies an opponent the -2 basket. But with 14 seconds left, Brindisi loses the ball on a throw-in. The result is a counterattack at the peak of which, with a three-player play (basket plus a rash foul committed by Midnight), Kalev finds himself in the lead. But with four seconds left, it is the guests who commit a sensational naivety by committing an unsportsmanlike foul. Perkins made no mistake from the line, giving Brindisi a well-deserved victory.


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