Cardenales de Lara vs Caribes de Azoategui, Baseball forecast on November 9, 2022

Game preview

Prediction for Cardenales de Lara and Caribes de Azoategui. Every sporting event is unique and this match, which will take place as part of the LVBP on 09 November 2022 at 11pm, is no exception. The information provided below will help you.

Cardenales de Lara: overview of the team

To better understand the future match we need to look at Cardenales de Lara’s statistics from the last 10 games. Cardenales de Lara has 5 wins with 1 at home. On the other hand, in the last ten games he missed the win in 5 with 2 at home. It is also very important to take into account the statistics of the total average points (goals) scored. As a result, Cardenales de Lara scored 4.7 with 5.7 at home and conceded 6.1 in total with 7.3 conceded at home. The consideration of Cardenales de Lara’s most recent match is also very important. The last match was against Navegantes DEL Magallanes in LVBP on 08 November 2022 and ended with a score 11: 3.

Caribes de Azoategui: overview of the team

Look at the statistics of Caribes de Azoategui to see what results have been achieved. Away Caribes de Azoategui shows 3 of victories in total, with 2 away. However, defeat is also an integral part of the sport, so the amount of losses for Caribes de Azoategui in total is 7 with 2 away. Of course, statistics relating to the average total points (goals) scored and conceded are also very important. So, Caribes de Azoategui in the last 10 games scored 3.6 and 4.3 conceded in total with 5 scored and 4.3 conceded away. If we examine the history, we will see that the match between Caribes de Azoategui – Aguilas Del Zulia which took place on 06 November 2022 during the LVBP ended with a score 0: 1.


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