Figeac Judo: they are familiar with the high level

Saturday November 19, Emilie, Eugénie, Margot and Nina were in Réalmont, in the Tarn, to meet a champion on her way to the 2024 Olympic Games, Audrey Tcheuméo.

Indeed, this warrior with a big heart led a judo training from chicks to minimal, with more than 130 girls on the tatami.

For the record, Audrey Tcheuméo is two Olympic medals (silver in 2016 in Rio and bronze in 2012 in London), four world medals (gold in 2011 in Paris, two silver in 2014 and 2008, one bronze in 2013) as well as several European and national titles.

Thanks to this invitation, the Tarn committee made four young Figeacoises happy without forgetting Pascal their trainer.


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