Las left-handed people they are about 10% of the population, which can be a nuisance at times, since everything is generally made for right-handers. However, there are times when left-handedness can be an advantage, and sport is one of them, since in many disciplines it allows you to mislead the opponent, who is generally used to facing right-handed.
[De Juana de Arco a la princesa Leonor, pasando por Ruth Bader Ginsburg: las zurdas en la historia]
A well-known example illustrating this situation is that of Rafael Nadal who, being right-handed, changed his way of playing tennis to the left in order to have a tactical advantage. Logically, his victories are not only due to the fact that he uses his left foot, but it is an element to take into account.
So there is also talented left-handed athletes who have made the left their best weapon in the game. For this reason, at MagasIN we present some of them to you: