Garcia is looking for a new coach


Aurélien CANOT, Media365, published on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 11:45 p.m.

Freshly separated from Bertrand Perret, the coach behind her return to the fore, Caroline Garcia, 4th in the world after winning the Masters for the first time in her career, confessed on Monday that she was looking for a new coach to start the next season.

Caroline Garcia (29) no longer works with Bertrand Perret. The French tornado of the moment did not plan to continue his career without a coach. Questioned within the framework of the exit of the last magazine of our fellow-members of We Love Tennis, Garcia assures that she intends to find a new coach to start the next season. This is a real goal she has set herself. And if no one has yet taken over from Perret to date, it is mainly because the Lyonnaise, who has been very busy lately, has not yet had time to really work on the subject. But she assures that she will quickly think about it. “Yes, we are looking for a coach. Afterwards it’s also true that I know myself better than in the past so it’s not the same as when I was younger. There is a team that exists and so he will have to be able to to fit in. For the moment, I haven’t had the time to really think about it, because things have been linked together, but we have the will to find someone for the season who arrives there”, confides our best player, back to fourth in the world, who still remains her best ranking for the moment while waiting for better.

Garcia and Perret had ended their collaboration a week before the Masters

A return to the fore that she paradoxically owes a lot to her work alongside Perret, the man who gave her a taste for tennis, made her want to insist on this game which is so aggressive and thanks to whom she was able to win four tournaments (including two WTA 1000s) in the same season for the first time in his career and which allowed him to win his first Masters, just days before his victory in the BJK Cup came to keep Les Bleues in the first division. But the coach who had moved the native of Saint-Germain-en-Laye from 76th place in the world to 4th was already gone. Just before the Guadalajara tournament, itself scheduled a week before this Fort Worth Masters where Garcia wrote the most beautiful page in its history, the Lyonnaise and her coach had decided to separate. Perret notably found his ex-protégé “too perfectionist”, to hear it. “The problems spoiled the atmosphere, and there was less pleasure”, had also lamented the interested party in L’Equipe recently, to which the player replied on Sunday on France Inter by evoking “a departure with surprising timing” . Still, the place is since to be taken. And make no mistake: Garcia is looking for a new coach.


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