Introduction to archery in Brest for people with breast cancer – Brest – Lambézellec

As part of the decree on the Sport on prescriptionthe Brest-Iroise stretching club sets up, on an experimental basis, an outdoor archery initiation activity. The one-hour session consists of rehabilitating the movements of the arm affected by lymphedema (breast cancer) through the practice of target archery according to the practitioner’s muscular capacity.

A session every Thursday

These sessions will be set up every Thursday, from November, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., by appointment and will take place at 72 rue de Lyon, in Brest. The equipment (bow, arrows, target) will be provided by the association but sportswear is required. The subscription is set at €100 for one session per month, from November to June, incorporating the license and insurance of the Léo Lagrange Federation. Contact on 06 41 23 87 33 or by email at [email protected]

All about the Brest-Iroise Stretching Club


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