Judo champion is attacked with machetes and is on the verge of death

judo lucha por su vida tras ataque con machete"/>
The events occurred in the early hours of November 1 at 5 am in the city of Paita. (Latin)

Happened in Shirt, Piura. A young 20-year-old athlete, identified as Jean Piero Caceda Porras (20), was the victim of a brutal attack by a subject whose identity was unknown to the local authorities. East he attacked him with a machetecausing severe head injuries.

In 2015, he won first place in the Peru-Ecuador Binational Sports Games in the discipline of judo. In addition, he has managed to stand out in other disciplines, such as soccer.

The incident occurred at dawn when he was returning to his home. “The aggressor has been running, chasing him to machete him in the head. We do not know why it would have been, “said the victim’s brother.

The Paita watchmen found him lying on the ground and notified his relatives. Due to the seriousness of his injuries, he was transferred to the hospital. Hospital Santa Rosa de Piura.

The victim of the cruel attack is fighting for her life at the Santa Rosa de Piura hospital.
The victim of the cruel attack is fighting for her life at the Santa Rosa de Piura hospital.

Medical personnel intervened in an emergency, performing a delicate surgery. “A piece of bone has been removed due to the same contusion of the brain. Significant edema is still evident in the brain mass, ”said a health professional in charge of his condition.

His condition is delicate in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). He continues to receive support from professionals for his speedy recovery. If this is the case, will have to undergo a complex operation again.


Members of the PNP They detected an alleged suspect, who would be the author of the attack on the athlete. He was identified as Roman Crisanto. Outside the police station, family and friends protested, demanding justice. Jean Piero’s mother, Lourdes Porras, hopes that her son will recover as soon as possible and that the aggressor will be sent to jail.

Contact to help the recovery of the national athlete.
Contact to help the recovery of the national athlete.

The community has demonstrated to support the relatives. The processes for their recovery are expensive, so they have asked for support to finance them. The accounts of his brother, Braham Caceda Porras, have been provided. Likewise, the Public Ministry has been asked to issue a pre-trial detention order against the main suspect.

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