More than 130 AIEP students collaborated in the First Unified Sports Festival in Santa María – G5noticias

They served more than 100 athletes from nine educational establishments in the area.

With the presence and participation of more than 130 students from the AIEP School of Health, including Sports Technicians, TENS and Dental Technicians, the First Unified Sports Festival was held in the town of Santa María, near San Felipe. which was mainly aimed at people with intellectual disabilities.

In this meeting aimed at boys, girls, adolescents, young people and adults from two to 30 years old, held at the Municipal Stadium of the commune, AIEP San Felipe, through its students, teachers and collaborators, helped and attended to more than 100 athletes from nine educational establishments in the area.

Héctor Sanhueza, Specialty coordinator of AIEP San Felipe, explained that “this unified sports activity sought to establish the first intervention milestone of Special Olympics Chile together with AIEP at the regional level, highlighting the importance of sports and recreational activities for the improvement of community quality of life.

The director of the AIEP School of Health, Tatiana Soto, highlighted that Tatiana Soto, director of the School of Health, highlighted this important participatory activity as “very nice, very entertaining and comprehensive, where our students from the Sports area were in together with the TENS working with the schoolchildren in different work stations and clearly very committed to the community”.

Thus, all those summoned to this activity organized by the Municipality of Santa María through the Disability office dependent on the Community Development Directorate -and which had the full support of Mayor Manuel León and the Municipal Council of Santa María- were able enjoy performing eight sports disciplines such as futsal, badminton, acrosport, capoeira, athletics, chueca, motor games and self-defense, helped by AIEP students, teachers and collaborators.


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