Nocturnal escalation in Baar-Ebenhausen: brawl at birthday party

As of now, at least two people have been injured. A baseball bat is said to have been involved. The investigation is ongoing.

(ty) In Baar-Ebenhausen, a birthday celebration escalated on Saturday night. As the responsible police inspection from Geisenfeld reports, around 1.45 a.m. at the party on Stockaustrasse, several guests clashed. The argument was preceded by an initially verbal quarrel between a 20-year-old from the local community and a previously unknown guest. The latter hit the 20-year-old in the face during the argument. So much for the history.


“Other party guests finally became aware of the argument in front of the door, which led to a scuffle and ultimately a fight between several people,” explains a police spokesman. Referring to witnesses, it is said that one of those involved had armed himself with a baseball bat, which, according to the knowledge available so far, has not been used. Two people told police they were injured in the fight. One of the two had to be treated by the emergency services called.


“The exact course of events has not yet been determined,” the police said this morning. On the one hand, all the people met by the patrol officers on site were “considerably drunk”. On the other hand, other participants fled before the arrival of the law enforcement officers. The investigation is ongoing. Any other witnesses to what happened are asked to contact the police inspection in Geisenfeld on telephone number (0 84 52) 72 00.


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