Pro League reacts to ‘One Love’ controversy: D1B captains called to wear rainbow armband this weekend | Belgian football

“Our football is for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or ethnicity. On a football pitch, all social barriers break down. Unlike FIFA, we want to carry this message together with our clubs”, defends the statement of the Pro League published on Monday. “Therefore, we are asking the Challenger Pro League captains to wear the rainbow armband next weekend on Matchday 15 of the Championship.”

And the press release to resume the various fights of the organization. “Throughout the season, the Pro League takes several initiatives and organizes several projects against inequalities, against homophobia and transphobia, against racism. The most important are our partnership with Kazerne Dossin and our annual campaign ‘Football for All'”.

Seven European countries, including Belgium, had to give up wearing a One Love armband in Qatar when they had taken the initiative. FIFA has indeed threatened the players with a sporting sanction, a yellow card. The Belgian federation said it was “very frustrated” by the decision, but it had to resolve to take note of it.


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