The Barthe-de-Neste. Football: a successful internship for young shooters

Taking advantage of the holidays, but also of very mild weather for the season which facilitated the meeting, a football camp was organized for the players of the PNF football school aged 7 and 8 years old this Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at the Barthe de Neste. This course was supervised by Bertrand Aguirre, apprentice in BMF of the FCPL as well as all the educators of the U9 category of the two PNF Clubs (FC Plateau Lannemezan and FC des Nestes. There are 30 young girls and boys who participated in, a record during school holidays. On the program, games, situations and time reserved for the application of the Federal Educational Program in the context of health. A meal was taken together during the break and then a tournament was organized in the afternoon. A big thank you to the leaders and educators of the two Clubs for their availability, the quality of the meal and the program offered. With the same objective, other courses will be organized during all the school holidays to come involving all categories of the Plateau Neste Football agreement.

Jean-Claude Du Pont


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