They shot a child and three young people «Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata

As happens every weekend, residents of the neighborhood South Hill They enjoyed Sunday afternoon in the Plaza de Gianelli and Garcia Lorcaa place painted green and yellow where Aldosivi fans gather and, in addition, children and adolescents play soccer or basketball and a murga rehearses and animates the atmosphere so that there is a party atmosphere, on the field.

Nevertheless Last Sunday, after 7:00 p.m. while the murga -an “official” artistic expression of “La Pesada”, a characteristic wing of the Aldosivi bar- began to shake the drum heads and prepared to put on a show, the party atmosphere suddenly darkened: four or Five men – witnesses differ in their accounts – appeared in the Plaza de García Lorca at 4900 (located next to School No. 64) and shot at the people who were there.

Three young people, Aldosivi fans aged 20, 21 and 23, and identified with the club, were injured. There was also an 11-year-old boy who was playing in the square and a bullet hit him in the leg. In addition, a dog was hit by a bullet and was killed. Witnesses assured that the animal was a “hero” since it would have covered a 2-year-old boy who was in the square.

The attack was insane, they shot to kill“said a woman who was present. It was a few seconds, the noise of the shots silenced the murga and, after the attack, everything was chaos: cries of gunshot wounds, frightened children, neighbors desperate to understand what had happened.

The aggressors left after the attack and the victims, except for one of the oldest (he left the place by his own means), were taken by the people who were there to the Health Center No. 2, located in October 12 to 4400.

A call to 911 alerted the police to what had happened and personnel from the third police station went to the Health Center. Upon arrival, one of the victims had left, while the two youths were identified and gave their testimonies and also took a statement from the child’s mother.

Due to the complexity of the injuries, the 23-year-old was transferred in a SAME ambulance to the Interzonal Hospital, with gunshot wounds to the leg and arm. The minor, on his part, was taken to the Materno Infantil, where he underwent surgery on his leg since the bullet fractured a bone.

Scientific police experts worked in the Plaza de la Escuela 64, looking for ballistic accidents and other types of elements that could serve to identify the aggressors. At least identify them officially, since those who were present know who they were and what is said in Aldosivi is that a group wants to take control of the club’s barra brava. “Already in the last game there was a fight inside the stands and they promised each other revenge. So since they know they get together on Sundays, they went by and shot. Crazy,” said a source consulted by this medium.

The incident is being investigated by the prosecutor. Leandro Arevalowho in this first stage described it as “weapon abuse”.

We are afraid Today we can tell about it, but it could have been something worse and tragic,” the mother of the shot child told LA CAPITAL, adding: “No one called us, we know what’s up with this. But we want them to pay for what they did this“.

In the last hours, the networks echoed the aggression and a request for solidarity was started to help the baby’s family. “We need the help of everyone who can collaborate with whatever it takes for the expenses of the baby’s family. Come on, you’re not lonely daddy, all the people of Aldosivi are really going to help you “, they published on social networks. To be able to collaborate, you can do it to the CBU 0110350030035030375333 o al alias Cesta.Sabana.August.

Violence, blood and fire


The Aldosivi club he was again the protagonist -directly or indirectly- of a new episode of violence. This year, in addition to this last attack that left four wounded by bullets, there was also the burning cars of players on campus on the Port property and one shot in front of the institution’s headquarters by a attack between bars

On August 12, at least two people entered the Aldosivi property in the Port and set fire to five cars belonging to the campus after the soccer team lost a game. This vandalism attack had been repudiated by the entire football community and by Aprevide.

For the fact they are imputed Lucas Sosa, as co-author of the crime of arson with common danger to property and author of the crime of possession of a weapon for civil use and Santiago Alberto Sosa, imputed by co-author of the fire. Both were released, but continue to be at the center of the prosecutor’s investigation Alejandro Pellegrinelli.

Headquarters of the club where the events occurred.

Headquarters of the Aldosivi club.

On August 19, there was another confrontation between Aldosivi gangs, which ended with a man wounded by a bullet, another beaten, and a detainee with a firearm.

The confrontation took place after midnight on that August 19 in the Elcano and Bermejo building where, as usually happens every Friday, members of the club’s barrabrava meet.

On that occasion, a group of fans linked to the San Martín neighborhood was in the place when a young man from another faction appeared and was attacked with blows. After being injured by the beating, this fan went to look for help and returned with another individual who just passed in front of the clubhouse was shot in the arm.


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