Thiago Motta: “The team was good at dueling. I am honored to coach Bologna “

Thiago Motta’s comment

Satisfied Thiago Motta who has slipped the fourth consecutive victory between league and cup, among other things without conceding a goal on play. The rossoblùs, after the Monzathey also reassembled the Tour winning with Orsolini e Pos. The analysis of the Rossoblu coach:

“Today it was difficult against a Torino like this – his words – we imagined it and we were very good on every duel, and it is wonderful that whoever takes over makes such a contribution, a sign that there is an exceptional group behind it. From tomorrow, however, the head goes immediately to Inter, our only goal remains to give our best every day and give joy to the people of Bologna. I feel lucky and privileged to be the coach of Bologna, these guys are helping me from the first minute I arrived, with this desire to be together everything is easier ”.


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