Trieste, the redemption at PalaBarbuto synonymous with mental solidity

The world of sport – in particular that of basketball – is made up of many “sliding doors”. And the victory of the Trieste basketball Sunday evening a Napoli it can easily be considered one of the most classic. A possible ko on the parquet of the gevi, especially after those frantic 45 minutes of battle at PalaBarbuto, he would have clearly certified the red and white crisis (and who knows with what potential and further negative consequences). And instead the two, very precious points snatched from Buscaglia’s team represent the base from which to start again with a pinch of more enthusiasm: the same enthusiasm that had become a sort of unidentified object in the first four league games, an element that Trieste will have to keep under his arm in a season where there will be so much to suffer.

Let me be clear: net of last weekend’s victory, Julian problems cannot be considered solved in any way. In Naples there was a really big risk in the first ten minutes, in which Gevi put the Trieste defense on fire: an original sin already seen too many times in this part of the championship, son of that strong approach to the match that is still missing in the DNA of this team. But for the gang of Marco Legovich there was much more positive at PalaBarbuto: the leadership of a large part of the foreign troop (Gaines he may seem in some ways also a “ball-eater”, but in fact he is a player who has proven to be able to successfully take the major responsibilities in attack when the ball is hot), as well as a healthy roughness on the part of some of the Italian players (the garra of Deangeli, Vildera continues to be “Mister Utilità” in a paint that still needs a lot of running in). And why not, even the right to keep the bar straight in the overtime, which is not at all obvious in someone else’s house and with the score constantly in the balance. And then there is above all him, “Lego”already put on the grill by more than someone after the shock of the season and that some self-styled non-local newspaper it was already on the launch pad. The second victory as head coach after that of Cremona last year will certainly not cancel the many grumbles of the square, but in fact it makes it clear that the young coach of Pallacanestro Trieste has the team and the dressing room in his hands. Because a victory like that of Naples cannot be obtained without compactness and unity of purpose by the whole group-team.

There will be many other battles like those of PalaBarbuto: it is in the destiny of this team that knows perfectly well how much humility and intensity it will have to unleash on the parquet to save itself. But the signal arrived in Neapolitan land is clear and strong: Trieste is there, especially on a mental level. E “Waiting for Godot” (translated, the entry into the company of the American fund that will surely lead to making different choices in the roster field), the flame of enthusiasm returns to be more alive. Not trivial and even in this case not obvious, in the fight to avoid the last two places in the standings.

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