Without a place to train, the Fort-Mahon karate club moves to Rue

Jacky Cudek wanted to bring karate back to Rue (Somme). (©The Journal of Abbeville)

The city of Street (Sum) has a new association. For the past few days, interested people, children and adults, have been able to come and practice karate to the room Bessie Coleman. We owe this initiative Jacky Cudek, federal instructor 2nd dan. But why did you choose Rue to put on her kimono?

“Without a place to train”

“We created this club two years ago in Fort-Mahon-Plage. But we encountered difficulties in particular to regularly have a room. So we found ourselves without a place to train. I wanted to find a room in Rue. We were very well received and the Bessie Coleman room is perfectly suited to the practice of karate” explains Jacky Cudek.

“Respect for oneself and others”

Affiliated with french karate federationthe club offers courses in shotokan karate.

“These are the best reference bodies for competitions and insurance,” says Jacky Cudek. With us, the first rule taught is that of Re. It is respect for oneself and others. There is a lot of benevolence and physical and mental respect for our students.”

President of the club, Jacky Cudek will rely on Frederic Grosjean to deliver the lessons. Holder of the 5th dan, the two men know each other perfectly.

“A few years ago, he was the head of one of the biggest karate schools in Paris, reveals the president. He had 450 students. He took his semi-retirement and decided to settle in Groffliers, near Berck in Pas-de-Calais. It’s been my club for over 40 years. Frédéric is one of the masters. I asked him if he wanted to share his experience with us. He accepted “.

Very good news for all of his students since the man has already completed several trips to Japan to follow various courses with Japanese masters. An unparalleled experience that should allow everyone to progress through karate.

Videos: currently on Actu

“This is where the difference between martial arts and combat sports lies, slips Jacky Cudek. Combat sports are about making us the best. Martial arts are all about making you better.”

We let you philosophize.

Course location: Bessie Coleman room, 80 rue du Four;
Training for children on Tuesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.; for adults from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Information: 06 32 13 07 91

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