‘You sacrifice a lot’: Who credits Towers-Center Childs with its strong start

When Veolia Towers Hamburg need a reliable player under the basket, Yoeli Childs is the right pass. The American likes to rage in the opposing zone and almost always scores in double digits. That has been the case in five out of six BBL games so far – a real tower in the surf. The 24-year-old has two people to thank for the fact that the new signing was so promising at Wilhelmsburg.

Roller coasters, delicacies and bright lights. The Hamburg Cathedral is a highlight for many families, especially in winter. Childs didn’t want to miss the hype on the Heiligengeistfeld either. On Wednesday, the Towers pro visited the cathedral with his wife Megan and daughter Amara – the two most important people in Childs’ life.

Towers Center Childs owes strong start to its daughter

“My daughter loved the lights,” he says in an interview with MOPO. Childs, who grew up in Utah, used the international break to spend as much time as possible with his family: “They sacrifice a lot so that I can live my dream.” And that’s why the second-best Towers goalkeeper (12 points in the cut) show his gratitude to his loved ones away from the orange leather.

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Thanks to the support of his family, the 2.03 meter tall man doesn’t miss home. “As long as I have my wife and kid, it feels like home,” says Childs. In addition, the devout Christian quickly arrived in Hamburg thanks to the support of his church. “It was very helpful to have a community here.”

The US boy not only settled in quickly in the Hanseatic city, Childs also needed no start-up time for the towers. With the second most minutes played, he is one of the key players in Raoul Korner’s system. The center was a guarantee for the strong Towers start into the season.

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“We’re just scratching our potential,” assures the ambitious giant. Childs aims high and speaks of NBA dreams and even the championship: “If you don’t set such goals, what’s the point?”


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