Young people with knee and Achilles tendon problems are wanted for research project Badminton Denmark

Allan Høgholm

november 18, 2022 13:28
Written by Ronni Burkal Elkjær

Children and young people who exercise a lot are sought to investigate the development of early tendon overload damage.

Have you had new-onset pain in the past three months? Then you can become part of Team Denmark and the Department of Sports Medicine, Bispebjerg Hospital’s research project.

The project aims to investigate overload injuries of the knee and Achilles tendons at the earliest possible stage. With early intervention, you may be able to prevent the damage from becoming chronic.

Current knowledge about the treatment of long-term tendon overload has been significantly developed over recent years, whereas the early development of tendon overload damage has only recently been investigated in adult exercise and elite athletes. In contrast, the development of early tendon overload damage has largely not been studied in children and young people who train a lot. Until now.

Here you can read more about the research project and how to register.

Criteria for participation:

  • You exercise a lot for your age
  • You are between 10 and 18 years old
  • You are generally healthy
  • You have overuse of your knee or Achilles tendon with pain

If you wish to participate, you must appear three times at the Department of Sports Medicine in Copenhagen, where you must go through interviews, fill in a questionnaire and for an ultrasound scan. Approximately 1.5 hours duration each time.

For further questions about the research project, contact the research assistant, stud. with. Kasper Ørnsvig Christensen
Mobil: + 45 22 88 95 96
E-mail: [email protected]

Tags: Research, Research project, Injury
Category: Front page, Inspiration, News


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